It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Our Government

I have a hard time listening to the G Gordon Liddy show. This is because they are perching to the quire in my case. G brings in speakers and makes points that make sense to me. I do not agree with all of them. That is a sign that I'm listening if you ask. The trouble is that I listen to the show at work and want to stand up and yell at our government in anger. This is probably not a good thing to do at work.

I worry I'm going to have a stroke listening to the list of issues G brings up about the Obama administration. Things like Job creation, taxes, foreign relations, God, how our government is handling the oil spill, drug culture ... I could go on. It seems like the people running this country are out to destroy it. Not with nukes, with rules.

Obama and his top cronies in the legislative branch are socialists. They want to turn the U. S. in to a land of robots all fitting the same mold, regardless of how that kills individual expression and rights. You have the right to be a drone and follow the rules as the government tells you.

It is not big government that I fear. It is totalitarian government that rules every moment of my existence and tells me how to live my life and raise my kids to the n'th degree. By making every behavior illegal that some committee deems inappropriate. That committee of people hand picked based on the decisions they will make in favor of the government continuing their rule. This is always the way regardless of who is in charge or what they call their method of governing.

“I'm not worried about a clean energy bill. I'm worried about paying the bills.” From memory. Heard on NBC news last night from a citizen.

So, what am I going to do about the things I wish to change and the things I cannot change? I intend to complain. I will complain loudly and often. I will shout from the mountain top. I will do something more effective. I will blog and vlog and tweet. Will it make any difference? I doubt it. Will it make me feel better? No, not really. Does it satisfy some need to say it and mean it? Perhaps. So many things that might actually make a difference have been outlawed.

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