It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Nuke the Leak! You have tried everything else. Next time, use redundant flow controllers.

You are not on trial in this life. Everything you do matters, but this is your life. Live it.

Watch what happens in Israel over the next couple weeks. Get ready for this to happen to the U. S. in the following few years.

A buddy of mine is miraculous at learning musical instruments. Well, he learned the banjo in like a week. He has been playing guitar for years. I told him I wanted to have a split screen that was him playing dueling banjos. it might take me a year to learn how to do split screen. Sad really.

There was a story about all the crap available through Iraqi markets. Everything from bolts to generators. Everything must go. Rock bottom prices. People are finding things that should not have been sold available as well. It turns out Iraqi police and military are taking the bases over and selling everything that is not nailed down. The stuff that is nailed down takes a day or two.

Sir Patrick Stewart. It just doesn't ring. they are just handing those titles out like candy.

Lunch Conversation: I can't repeat most of the lunch conversation from today. It was complaining about work and inappropriate jokes.

There is no new Trek TV series on at the moment. Drag. Not sure why I care.

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