It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Sunday political editorial

This is the short list. What gets me is who is making these decisions? Where is this list of things supported by one of our political parties coming from? is one small group of  people  coming  up with this  garbage? Is there some grand society of those who are in the know running things? I look at what these folks want to do and who they want to kill and I cannot help but think they want to rain destruction on my way of life.


I don't trust FB as far as I can throw it

And I never will.

The analogy of Facebook becoming a country is fitting. They want to create their own currency, why not government and laws? I wonder which corporation will form the first military and declare itself a country? Or, at least a force to be reckoned with (since it has a military). Oh, wait. Pinkerton's comes to mind. Private police forces and military like entities have been around for a long time. Remember Blackwater (whatever they call themselves now)

Whose money is it anyway?

I am getting sick of 'activists' telling banks to stop financing people they don't like. I'm getting sick of corporations deciding who will get the right to say something. The Congress likes to think they have the power of the purse, but it sounds to me like they have lost that power.

This example is Australia. So, it is a planet wide phenomena.


Already screwed. Welcome to the future

Private surveillance and spying is the only way around the constitutional protections. I don't know what the forefathers were thinking. Why didn't they protect us from massive quasi government entities that call themselves businesses? Maybe in the next constitution 2.0? Not.

Google sounds hard to work for

No good deed goes unpunished

I really hate stories like this. This sort of thing makes me ill. I have helped people push cars out of the way. I was usually walking though.


That didn't take long

I do not regret my education

I went through a great deal of effort to flunk out of Computer science. They don't even call it that any more. it is software engineering. That always made it sound to me like you are trying to convince a computer to do something instead of telling it what to do.

The news cycle is moving on

It is my experience that every generation rebels against the previous generation. We are getting some pendulum swing here I think.

I listen to my kid talk and it sounds like the current up and coming generation is pre-fed up with the whole political situation and wants to pull the handle on the entire government. this could be a good thing if they just get rid of the people and higher a new set of people with the same rules that have worked for a long time. It could be a bad thing if they try one of the legion of bad methods of running a country.

When I was a kid, during the Summer my father would lock me out of the house and tell me to go play. This lead to me carrying my keys on me at all times. The neighborhood I grew up in had something like 6000 homes in it. It was Lord of the (goddamn) Flies  on bicycles out there. I learned to survive.

My kid has been helicopter parented. I wonder sometimes if she has had 10 hours of unsupervised time with people her own age. Well, I know she has now, but I don't want to think about it.

Next subject.


Will anyone spend 5 minutes behind bars?

What a mess.…

I'm sick of hearing about it. I want some very powerful people to go to prison and lose everything. I want everyone to know exactly why. I want it shoved down everyone's thoughts that this is wrong and will not be permitted again. I want children to be taught not to do this crap and to turn in people who do it.

I want to support myself and family without working too. I want people to get along without killing one another. I want families to work. I want trade to make everyone rich. I want politicians to suffer the same rules they inflict on their underlings and constituency.

I hate having to get around in Houston

Every time I get on the road in Houston I worry about getting shot. I worry about every asshole changing lanes in front of us. I worry about people coming ot of nowhere on their phone not even caring what is out the goddamn window they aree about to hot. I hate having to get around in this town. I would be a mental case if I had to drive myself.