It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Bad joke

The joke below is from memory. I heard this on a podcast from G. Gordon Liddy today. He is a conservative. He has many important points and a point of view that is difficult to find in today's liberal bias media. This joke however just plays in to the stereotype that liberal people have about conservative people. I don't like it. I didn't laugh at it. I did not think it was applicable or even appropriate for a conservative show. I listen to NPR and hate it when they lump all conservative people in to a group that I don't fit in. This joke only serves to make that situation worse.

While interviewing for a law enforcement job an applicant who had otherwise impeccable qualifications was asked to perform the following task.

The interviewer said “There is just one more thing you have to do to get the job. Take this firearm and shoot six illegal aliens, six Muslim extremists, six hippies, six drug dealers, and one rabbit.”

The Applicant asked with “Why the rabbit.”

The interviewer answered “When can you start?”

OK, OK. I chuckled a bit.

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