It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


My humble opinion

I left a comment on one of the Vlog Brothers videos yesterday. During the video the gentlemen said something about the world being run by totalitarian antisemitic jerks. He was talking about the Nazis, more specifically, one of the guys who invented calculation machines that helped the Allies decider Nazi secrets.

I left a comment that I'm sure no one liked. “Some say we are ruled by totalitarian antisemitic jerks.” I received no replies. This tells me the comment was not left up. That, or it was not nearly as venomous as I imagined. It was not my intention that it be venomous. It was just what I felt at the time. I haven't had a chance to go looking. Those videos have thousands of comments. I'm sure it just got lost in the shuffle.

Totalitarian as I mean it here is one who intends to do anything it takes to put the destiny of all people under the rule of a government totally. That is to put the government in charge of every decision of a person's life all the time and without exception. I believe that Obama and many democrats believe this is the correct thing to do. That is why I used the term.

Antisemitic as I mean it here is one who by action or inaction, by belief or habit inflicts or allows to happen regardless of excuse, wills the destruction or harm to Israel or Jews in general.

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