It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Sign me up

This kind of thing is always 10 years away.

If they can zoom, they can focus. If they can focus, they can change the display of pigment. In other words you could have normal looking eyes, blink twice and have crazy shit going on. Imagine looking normal for a while and then just talking to someone and when they look at you your eyes go white. Then turning it off when they scream and just say "what?"

Oh, and I'm legally blind and would really be able to use zooming contacts in my daily life.

If we can't control it, we don't want it

There is an inherent problem with internet. Everyone has access to everything, except when someone limmits some people's access to some things. the task of limiting access becomes a serious chore so the default is to limit access to everything. If people don't know it is out there, they won't bitch about not having access.


Gotta sue to tell a joke around here.

Someone cannot take a joke. If you are a liberal it is Babylon Bee. If you are anyone else it is Snopes and Facebook. The gloves come off. Well in the courtroom I bet they make people take their gloves off. You know, to make sure they are not trying to hide a nuclear hat pin or anything.

Nice society you have there. Shame if anything happened to it

I'm noticing a trend. It seems that many organizations and mission statements of organizations is the exact opposite of what they actually do. Is ti just me? is tit just this organization?

What does the word "racist" mean any more?

I read a lot of political news. I hear the word racist or racism about 75 times a day. The words are starting to loose meaning. This scares me, but I need to know this stuff. I've explained why in earlier blogs.



it was the Russians!!! I knew it.

Actually a bunch of people did. I remember people saying this release looked like a leak instead of a deliberate attack. I remember wonder if they knew exactly who did it and how.


What happened?


Funny how that works


Worth a look if you are a content generator

Attention YouTube: The Clock is ticking!
Deutsche Version:

Too bad I'm just a hanger on. I might actually want to join this union.

This is heartbreaking to read

Thugs are thugs. i do not know what the solution is except to identify who is doing this and bring them to justice. I had a very hard time listening to his description of the event. I have only heard accounts that back what he says. He was alone and afraid and being beaten for what he believed in because the people who say they hate hate, hate the factt he is free to be who he is.


But the narrative!

There is no bias at Youtube or Twitter. They are not in colusion.It looks like politics outweigh race when it comes to what you are allowed to say these days.