It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Trying to think of a way to convince my boss that hitting and wallpapering my office in tacky prints of same is part of my job as an IT professional.

I've heard about all the cuts in the British system. It cracks me up that the first place they mention is “More efficient use of IT.” Meaning making do with half the people. That is a bit like saying you can save money on a dam by skimping on the cement in the middle.

One of the BBC podcasts I listen to mentioned that one of the casters had a Facebook fan page that was created by someone else. I'm thinking he might want to look in to that sort of thing. Imagine having your name on the side of a building that you have no control over.

Corporations are squeezing their employees for more hours to cover layoffs. It isn't like they are loosing money. Last quarter reported huge prophets in many sectors of the economy. This is a cycle that cannot continue. People will start finding other employment and having heart attacks. I had to look up how to spell 'heart' to make sure I wasn't screwing it up.

The Times of London put up a registration only wall in front of their content. They are not charging yet, just making people register. Their traffic cut in half. The competing papers in the same area who have not yet taken this step noticed only a 0.6% increase in traffic. People may be headed for free foreign news. The New York Times wants to repeat this experiment it sounds like. Heaven forbid they learn from other's experience.

From CNN email “Supreme Court strikes down Chicago handgun ban; case may have far-reaching impact for states, local governments.” YES!!!!!!! Law abiding citizens rejoice. When I sent this to Twitter and Facebook, I misspelled rejoice.

It strikes me as ridiculous when someone uses the term “Kalashnikov” when describing AK-47 rifles. The percentage of AK-47 weapons made in Russia and distributed throughout the world is probably low. Not sure what the official right to distribute the weapons people may have throughout the world.

The Iraqis bitched that security was better under Saddam when the U. S. first showed up. Now they are bitching that the American soldiers at least asked what was going on. The Iraqi security forces just ignore them and go on about their business of taking charge of everything that makes money in the country.

So, The most annoying thing about using a fresh installation of an office suite has got to be the re-add-to-dictionary of all your custom words. That or the loss of your favorite templates and settings. Won't someone please think of the custom dictionary and settings?

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