It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


The news cycle is moving on

It is my experience that every generation rebels against the previous generation. We are getting some pendulum swing here I think.

I listen to my kid talk and it sounds like the current up and coming generation is pre-fed up with the whole political situation and wants to pull the handle on the entire government. this could be a good thing if they just get rid of the people and higher a new set of people with the same rules that have worked for a long time. It could be a bad thing if they try one of the legion of bad methods of running a country.

When I was a kid, during the Summer my father would lock me out of the house and tell me to go play. This lead to me carrying my keys on me at all times. The neighborhood I grew up in had something like 6000 homes in it. It was Lord of the (goddamn) Flies  on bicycles out there. I learned to survive.

My kid has been helicopter parented. I wonder sometimes if she has had 10 hours of unsupervised time with people her own age. Well, I know she has now, but I don't want to think about it.

Next subject.

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