It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I await the true deep fake first strike

I can believe that this sort of technology could be used to generate fake crimes. it could be used to falsify evidence in insurance scams and libel cases. it could work to get kids taken away from parents. it could be used to get cops fired.

Why not something that would make a politician look bad enough not to get elected? It wouldn't even have to be the politician themselves. It could be a member of their inner circle that is simply made to say something that doesn't fit the narrative.

I'm waiting for deep fake videos to supplant actors. It must be cheaper to have a human stand there and not say anything and then have them cut out of a scene. They would only get that stand in pay that I've heard about. the deep fake will only get cheaper and easier as we go along.

Anyway. I envision a mess before things get sorted out.

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