It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Does disagreeing = hate?

Some are calling this blue on blue. I disagree. It is competition for resources. The resource here is political influence. It sounds like the UK or local police have not been sufficiently trained on the protected group priority tree.

Sarcasm aside, this is inevitable. When everyone is in a protected group, no one is in a protected group. Remember, you have no free speech right in the UK. You have a couple vague laws talking about not interfering with people complaining in specific situations, but that is about it. The idea of the cops walking up and saying "You look like you are about to say something so we are here to look over your shoulder and make sure it complies with the king's wishes." ("king" used in the general government overlord kind of meaning here) is a kind of oppression in my book. I don't care what you are there to complain about.

I am not bad mouthing complaining. Don't get me wrong, I have gotten most good things in my life because of constructive complaining.

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