It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Lunch Conversation

Today's lunch conversation was split over two  areas. We went to Beck's Prim for burgers. We ate outside We spoke of goofy stuff about movies and small talk. We nearly got pooped on by irate birds. Oh, and TV shows. Something about TV shows. I don't remember. It's funny. I have no idea what details went by. It was like I wasn't even there. Something about Armadillos too. I must have needed food. I hadn't eaten out for lunch in months. I don't even remember it.

It's funny because I remember walking over there. The weather was nice, cool and breezy. I remember crossing the street, dodging cars. People gunned their engines to hurry us up.I remember coming back and nearly breaking my neck in a whole in the sidewalk.

We had a break later in the day and spoke about one of our coworkers who is off to do missionary work in Cyprus. This lead to the discovery of where Cyprus is and it's population. Then the conversation turned to the quake in China and an internet hunt for the map of where everything happened. Anyway, my coworker will learn Arabic to make web pages and media that pushes the Christian religion in the middle east. I'm all for that. He and his wife need funding. I'm thinking of asking my mom if she knows where they might get helped out. Her church helps missionaries.


A friend sent me a joke in email. "The judge asked the prostitute 'when did you realize you had been raped?' the prostitute answers wiping away tears 'When the check bounced.'" An old joke that still cracks me up.


My goodness I was busy today. I made releases. I tested things. I bugged things. I fixed a script or two. The stress level was hight. Customers were waiting. It is just one of those days. I'm not the only one. Every one is at the edge. It is kind of nice to be honest. Things happen quickly at a smaller company. I remember working for a huge corporation.  It was a pain to get some things done. When you needed a drastic change to something whether it was a large or small thing, the step were the same. You had to follow procedure for building a refinery or buying toothpicks, it was paperwork.

We may have taken a break, but it was only  a few minutes. It is amazing how much faster that break makes the entire afternoon go. I don't get out of work until after 18:00 most every evening. I get to work before 8:00 most days. Typically I take a short lunch. Sometimes I go walk around the parking garage. Today Nat was thinking about coming up for lunch, but her asthma was acting up so she didn't want to get on the road. That break kept me running the rest of the day.

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