It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Evening in Paradise

I came home today and got past the same AT&T hole without a single vehicle passing me by. Three lanes of nothing until I was well past. I walked in the house and found my family in pretty good cheer. Elle and I had a discussion about politics and individual freedom vs the greater good. Well, something about the playing with rubber balls any way. Nat is in to her TV shows. I'm on the twenty first century idiot box. Work is still there. There are a couple of bucks in the bank and it is the end of the month. It is warm outside. It is cool inside. The cat box is cleaned out. The trash is taken out. Elle is in the bath. She says she brushed her hair real hard, but it's still wet. The cats are off sleeping somewhere. The racers are nowhere to be heard. The grass is cut. The sky has pretty clouds just floating about for no good reason. The wine is good. The cheese cake was good.

I won't say we are in heaven, but you can see it from here.

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