It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


The End is Nye

Isn't one of the biggest signs of the end of the world the fact that there is not enough food to go around?  I'm hearing about 30% rises in the States. Food prices have doubled in Egypt. Saudi Arabia is about the same. China has a booming economy, but people can't find rice to buy everywhere. Aid agencies are screaming about food for Myanmar costing too much to give everything people need. There were riots in Mexico a couple months ago over the price of corn tortillas .When you add on the fact that we are just now starting to sacrifice food crops and food crop land to growing fuel for our machines, you get a double whammy on the cost of feeding the children and workforce of the world.

It is not yet time for Soylent Green yet, but come on. Things are getting scary. Where are the fear mongers? Where are the smelly guys on the street corners shouting that it is the end times? Repent!! Repent!! I suppose there are city ordnances against such things these days.

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