It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Evening Light

It is a beautiful evening. I just took the trash outside at 20:30. The sun had gone down but that beautiful dark blue of a freshly stormed sky was in the west. As I rolled the trash can down the driveway, there was a cool early spring breeze blowing. The time of the sunset and the blew sky at night is a sign of early summer. Today is the first time in a long time a day this cool has come this late. Nat says we didn't have a hard freeze this winter. So, what's the deal? Does this mean we will have a cooler summer? Wouldn't that be nice. Does it mean we will have more hurricanes? That would suck. I wonder if the whole global warming thing means something other than the temperature going up. I bet as more energy hits the atmosphere, the atmosphere simply uses that energy to become more volatile. In other words, instead of getting hotter, we get more and more intense storms.

It's possible. I forget where I heard that theory first. Still, I really like the way it feels outside. If I had a wireless connection, I would go outside and blog.

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