It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Heaven Avatar

I made a quick recording on my phone and emailed it to myself this morning. The recording was to remind myself of something I wanted to blog about later. When I listened to the recording on my computer, I pictured myself at about 22 or so with a full head of long red hair, clean shaven.  That must be the picture of myself that I use as my soul's avatar. I wonder if that makes a difference when I die? Will that image of myself matter?

I'm probably in better shape now than I was then. I walk more. Nothing trumps youth for health. There are few seventy year olds who could beat themselves at twenty beyond the advantage of experience. It is true that I have a bit more around the middle now than I did then.

In Eric the Viking, the gods are all ten year old children playing games with the lives of mortals. All the people who go to Valhalla become play things for the gods amusement, or maids. That is a very interesting interpretation. It has stuck with me long after the movie played. At the end of the movie, they all end up going back to Earth. They are all going to die one day. I guess they must all convert to another religion to avoid Valhalla at that point.

My perception of myself definitely makes a difference here on Earth.  It deeply affects my attitude. If I have a fat slob image of myself, I will probably do things that end up leading to my fulfilling that persona. If I have a masculine strapping lad image, then hopefully, I'll head for that goal. It makes a difference in the basis I start from for many decisions throughout my day. Everything I eat to how I carry my stride when I walk will be affected. Most people have a defined self image. They do everything in their power to attain it. Nearly no one knows they do it.

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