It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • My God, there are still six months until the general election. I'm really sick of it already. I'm not going to make it.
  • A bunch of schools are going to stop with the whole year book business. I'm glad. With all the online stuff these days, it is moot. I was not in most of my year books. They wanted us to take the pictures during lunch. Screw that. If they had offered a cookie, I would have shown up.
  • Versioning in programing is a pain in the ass on the best day. There are too many people pulling in too many directions.  At work, we are never going to agree on how and when to change the numbers of the branches of software we have to juggle daily. I get a headache every time we go over it. I can hang with talking about abortion, gun control. politics, religion, but God forbid people start talking about software versioning. Here comes the headache. I have to stop and come down off the walls for a minute.
  • Eating out is outsourcing meal preparation and cleanup.
  • Elle went to school today and still managed to get a couple of dresses from the re-sell shop. She has been complaining about her ears itching. They close up she says. Poor thing. I'm afraid to break out the drops. That is like pulling teeth.
And just for the heck of it ...

Akiro snap

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