It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Miracle Packer Strikes Again

We went to Sm's Club today. We got a load including, but not limited to three fifty pound bags of cat litter. The whole excursion cost $411 plus a couple cokes and some over the counter cold medicine that we had to go back for. The cost of a month's supplies really is going up. It used to be $325 or so.

Nat packed the cart to the teeth. When we got to the check out, the manager asked if he could pack everything on a totally. I said sure and off we went. We did get a couple things we didn't really need like some night-light flash light things. Probably some other stuff too. I did get some canned peaches. I've only recently rediscovered my childhood addiction.

Sam's trip. All that went in to the trunk of our Carola.

The person helping us said he did not believe we were going to get all that in a small car. We did, with room to spare. I could have fit a bail of toilet paper in the back seat and a couple cases of beans in the trunk. The car rides nice with three hundred pounds in the trunk.

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