It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Shoot foot. Aim at other foot

So, the Fed tels the banks to loan more money to small businesses.

Banks say "But with the economy the way it is, many people do not have the credit rating to get a loan."

The Fed says "But we want you to lend them more money."

The banks say "But people are not asking for loans. The small companies are gun shy. They want to wait for things to get better before they pull the trigger."

The Fed, snorting in amazement says "But we need people to go on credit fueled spending sprees. The government won't make any money on taxes if no one is buying anything and no one is employed to afford things."

Someone writes a political cartoon that has a banker and a regulator holding guns to the head of the U. S. tax payer one both saying in tandem "Barrow money and spend like a drunken sailer!!"

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