It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



It was the power companies. They hacked the servers and freed the data under lock and key. Or maybe it was the Russians or Chinese. Perhaps the third world governments had a hand, but wait, they stand to make a barrel of money off the whole Climate Change issue. The Chinese. They are responsible for everything wrong in the world right? It must have been the Chinese. But the Chinese have already thumbed their nowses at Climate change and basically told the rest of the world "If you have a problem with our cheap goods, stop buying them by the ocean liner." So, I just don't think the Chinese have the motivation.

So, who was it? Was it someone sitting in a room with no windows and only a laptop and an internet connection?

Was it a wing of a government working in tandem to slow the biggest competitor for their funding?

Was it some kid who got laughed at by a girl who was all green and, even though he knows in his heart it is a load of ballix, he tried to act all gree for a while and then he snapped and went on the attack in the only way he knew how?

Was it an inside job? Did someone who worked on the project and was fed up with the lies conspiracy and treachery found some back-water server on which he could anonymously dump and then link the data for the world to find?

Is it real? Is it fake? I mean either Climate Change or ClimateGate. Take your pick.

The reason I have such a hard time buying the whole Climate Change argument is how hard people have been trying to sell it to me. I've never been affected by hard sell tactics. I have had to give in to mechanics and even car salesmen. I know they are ripping me off, but I'm over a barrel and I'm just not that good of a negotiator to get a better deal. This is how I feel about Climage Change. A lot of people are ramming this thing down my throat and demanding that I pay for their grand ideas.

Do I think that mankind can affect the Climate of Earth? Yes.

Do I think the world will end because we put too much carbon in the atmosphere? No. I think the sun will have a hiccup one day and we will not even be a memory. The onlyt thing left of our existence will be some ever fading radio waves expanding through universe.

Am I doing my part to be green? No, we have CFL bulbs in many light fixtures. I still leave my server on 24/7. I leave the AC and heat set so the system is not on all the time. Talk to Nat about details. We have a Toyota Carola. We only have one car. I take the bus. I only mow my yard when it needs it. I bitch incessantly about leaving lights on. I take long hot showers. They are the only thing that keep me centered. I wash cloths in cold water, mainly because I don't know how to do warm or hot without screwing it up.

U. S. citizens taxes are going to triple over the next ten years. I'm guessing about that figure, but it sound good. Half of this is going to be due to the problems in financial areas of our economy. Part is going to be due to the mass outsourcing of everything. Some is going to be due to the rest of the world catching up to us and surpassing us on the world stage. Some will be due to people no longer taking U. S. debt as a reliable investment. Some of it will be commitments to countries that say they are spending the money on Climate Change issues and just pissing the money away on food, medicine weapons and other useless crap for their citizens.

It is the end of the U. S. lead world. Obama will go down in my book as Carter 2.0 and the last president of a viable world power called The United States.

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