It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Saturday Evening

The boom boom is going full force behind our house. I've been asked to take down a video for no good reason.

I'm listening to Japanese Animation with subtitles. I do not speak a word of Japanese so I have no idea what they are saying because I'm not watching it. The show is titled "Full Metal Alchemist". It sounds interesting. I cannot keep up on Hulu. The video goes by far too quickly for me to tread.

Nat is asleep on the couch. She is downloading something for her new iPod.

Elle is off with her dad. I hope she is having a better time that I am.

I feel blissfully depressed. It feels like the whole world is out to get me. They are. The government wants taxes and taxes and taxes. Insurance companies now have a mandate to charge whatever they want to everyone at any time. The cost of absolutely everything is going through the roof at the same time that general inflation is on the rise and my wages are frozen in place. I guess it is better than going down.

Oh, it could always be worse. Then again it could always be better.

No one is going to save me. No one is going to help. I have no will to make it better. I am broken. I am tired.

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