Saw a guy on the bus with a mowhawk this morning. Hadn't seen that
in a while. He was a student by the binder he carried. He was a fagot
by the way he walked. I really should have just kept surfing the net on
my phone on the bus this morning.
Tried a place called Smash Berger today. I had the Texas Berger. It
was greasy. It could have used jalapeƱos. I bet I could have had some
if I asked. They had no where to stand and wait on a berger for a to go
order. I had to fight people in line, people getting drinks and people
sitting down. That was a bit annoying. I didn't get the basket because
I didn't want fries.
The fed got something like 27 billion dollars. Considering it is a
private organization, that is pretty good. Now, all of a sudden, the
FED says "The rescission is easing." Well, no shit. If I got 27 billion
dollars I would say things were great too. I'm too big to fail dammit!
Have you ever had toilet paper rip long ways and just keep ripping
long ways in to a useless ribbon? I have raised my fist to the heavens
and cursed "It wouldn't do it if I tried." So, I tried today and you
know what? It still ripped long ways just fine. It is a conspiracy I
tels ya!!
There is an article touting the death of hand writing. I say "good
riddance". I've never been able to write cursive. I never will. I will
print everything everywhere or type it. that is just the way it is. I
like it this way.
For some reason I found myself envying the guys doing the lawn at
work this morning. It was hot and muggy outside. It was not glamorous
or fun. I just wanted to be outside for some reason. Hands on. I do not
get that often.
Tazer shards are up after announcing a three shot model. I haven't
seen it, but they did have a rapid replacement module on one model.
Another had a camera so you could capture the moment for giggles later.
The full-auto model is in the works I bet.
My watch is on my right wrist this morning. I have to switch hands
every so often because it drives me nuts if it is on one wrist for more
than a couple weeks. I take it off every night, but it doesn't matter.
Sometimes I just can't ware a watch for a while. I have always been
like this. My wedding ring has the same effect. I tried warring my ring
on my right hand in the past, but was told this is a symbol that
homosexual couples use to differentiate themselves. So, I just take the
ring off for a couple days at a time.
Czars are big at the moment. Czars are great because they imply authority and no consequences. Regine started the whole czar thing in the U. S. for drugs and something else. Ever since, there has been a czar for everything that is a difficult task. Health Czar. Parking Czar. it seems to be a way to scapegoat someone without ruining their career in the process. I say we need to hold their feet to the fire and treat them more like an appointee, which they are if you think about it. The Drug Political Appointee Scapegoat doesn't have the same ring to it.
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