It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Trillions of dollars worth of bullshit

The stimulus package is being spent on the standard bills of states, not making jobs, not starting projects. Most of thee stimulus money given to the states has gone to making current payroll. It is making the situation worse because the states are getting on the federal tit. Now, our government is about to authorize another useless mass payment to the states that will fix nothing.

The Left loves the term 'green'. The stimulus will create X new green jobs. For every green job created you loose two brown jobs. I cannot back these numbers up. I just pulled them out of my ass.  i would like to know the real numbers. I would like to know if any one knows the numbers and how they were tabulated. Then again, I would like to know how all the numbers associated with cult of environmentalism are tabulated. I have a feeling I'm not the only non-scientist pulling numbers out of my ass on the subject.

Obama's numbers are in the toilet. His popularity numbers that is. I hate it when that is the story. I fear it is going to become OK to blame him for every thing wrong in America. Again, we will have a president who is mocked and made fun of by Americans and the rest of the world. Jobless rate up. The old stimulus was focused on jobs and created basically none. Now they want trillions more focused on, wait for it, jobs. Will one new job be created? How quickly they fall from grace.

Fox News is all about "loosing the faith in Obama." One of the things sticking in people's craw is the fact that a bunch of multi thousand page bills have been passed lately and representatives coming right out and saying they didn't read anything past the PowerPoint bullets. I say the people are the ones in charge of this country. We have just forgotten that fact. The government representatives are our employees. They need to work for a living and skip a couple galas and mall openings.

Stop talking about global warming and work on our economy. Get out of Europe and get back to the U. S.. Take care of home. The is not Europe. our ancestors left for a reason long ago. Europe has always been a nanny stat. Many of the countries that constructed the European Union were nanny states before joining.

Be serious about Nuclear weapons, fine, You have your convictions. That's cool. Be serious about Iran getting nuclear weapons. Iran will chew your ear off (talking) while oppressing their own people and rushing head long in to nuclear statehood. Please do not be fooled by the smiling puppet calling himself the president.

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