It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Python madness

I'm converting several old scripts to Python for grins. If you run the following script without a try command you get an error upon ending espeak with a ctrl-c.

#!/bin/env python
import sys, subprocess
command=["espeak", "-s", "280"]
if len(sys.argv) > 0:
    command+= sys.argv[1:]
try:          # <- Run the espak program
    print "Exiting espeak. (ctrl-d)"
    print "Exiting espeak. (ctrl-c)"

All this script does is run the software that reads to me called espeak. Once you run espeak the only way to get out of it is to hit ctrl-d or ctrl-c. The difference between those two is an error message. The two keys mean different things. ctrl-d is "end of file" and ctrl-c is "break".

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "say", line 8, in ?     <- The real error
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/", line 412, in call
    return Popen(*args, **kwargs).wait()
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/", line 1007, in wait
    pid, sts = os.waitpid(, 0)

That is ugly so I gave two minutes of effort to get rid of it. Now, I could hit ctrl-d and not get the error, but I use bash, at the house which hitting ctrl-d at the prompt exits bash. That is a pain in the ass and I don't always look before I hit keys so I need to CMA.

When you run the script now, if you hit ctrl-c an error happens at the espeak command so you never get to the print right below it, only the print after the 'except' is executed. If you hit ctrl-d there is no error and the print straight below the espeak command is executed and the 'except' section is ignored.

No more ugly message.

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