It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Ants at bus stop

When I was sitting at the bus stop this morning, surfing the net on my phone,  I felt an itch on my arm. I noticed one kind of ant chasing another kind of ant across my skin. I had to kill both and stand in the heat.

The sun was behind a bunch of clouds.It didn't seem to matter. The humidity is the killer. I had just walked the one and a half or so miles from my house to the stop. There was a time this nearly killed me. Now, I take it in stride. I hardly feel it except for the soaking shirt and the drips down my face. I have seriously considered getting one of those three legged camp folding stools  Not sure it would be light enough to carry on the pack. Not sure it would be strong enough to hold me and the pack while I waited.

I wonder what the story behind the ants was all about. Did the chasing ant have orders that could not be disobeyed? Was the leading ant, larger of the two, simply less aggressive and too a wrong turn? Movies have been made for the life and times of ants and other bugs.

Tomorrow, Amdro.

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