It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

You know, my very local news posts have deteriorated to bullets commenting on news that I come across during my day. I hope this is not a problem. As always, let me know if it pisses you off.

  • There is one 'r' in 'during' DAMMIT!!! For some reason I insist on two.
  • The little tab on my keyboard at work that tells my right hand where the home keys are is waring down to nothing. I thought I was loosing the sensitivity in my right index finger, but I took a close look and felt with other fingers. Sure enough, it is smaller than the other tab. It is surprising how much time this costs me during the day. I bet I loose five or ten minutes over a period of a week.
  • Interviews on NPR and APM are already reporting that the slowing demand for gas is causing the amount of taxes brought in to decline. That means the infrastructure will have to be maintained via other means. That means new or raised taxes elsewhere. Once this change happens and people get over it, the electric vehicle cannot be far behind. Look for increased sales, property, income, and whatever else thieving elected officials can pull out of their ass to feed the machine of which they have become part. God forbid they learn to do more with less like the rest of us.
  • Michael Phelps has to take in 12,000 calories a day to maintain his weight during the Olympics. Looking at pictures, there is not an ounce of fat on the man. An active man his age would normally take in around 2000 to maintain weight during normal levels of activity.  It has got to be an adjustment to slow down to say a 4000/5000 calorie schedule. Surly he doesn't keep that 12,000 schedule going year round. I'm sure it will take some time to get over the Phelps-mania too.
  • Motorcycle related injuries and deaths have risen over the last ten years consistently relative to the number of miles traveled using motorcycles. I blame a couple things.
    • New riders. High economy and high gas prices make two wheels look better than four.
    • Aging riders. All of America is aging. People who know what they are doing have a harder time doing it and don't realize it until it is too late.
    • More distraction. Every five minutes some new gadget gets added to a car that distracts drivers. It is bad enough that people are not paying attention to the road, but motorcycles are harder to see in the first place. This also goes for motorcyclists.
    • Popularity of racing bikes. I would like to have the rising numbers broken down by people trying to get somewhere and people out to pop wheelies and do donuts on some supped up crotch-rocket. Let's face it, some riders are looking for a broken neck.
  • Went to Dawn's birthday party last night. Had a lot of fun. Considering the restaurant put us all in a closet right next to another party with only a curtain separating us, we all seemed to have a good time. There was another party for Scott after, but I don't think Nat or I could have taken it even if we had been invited.
  • I'm off the internet for a day and everyone sends two or three updates to their blog. Well, except for the terminally lazy like Adam. He will never post. Not even about Gen Con.
  • I'm having a glass of wine at 10:30 in the morning.

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