It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Got up. Fixed something to eat. Did a bit of dishes. Pulled the bag out of the trash can and felt a twinge that said "Go weed-eat the yard." So, I went and weed-whacked the yard. I've learned that I need to jump on the whim when it calls, or I'll miss my opportunity.

When I got back in the house, covered in grass, it turns out I had left some food sitting out - left the tied bag of trash in the middle of the kitchen and no bag in the trash can - and something else I don't remember. Nat was in the middle of the kitchen giving me crap about attempting to mow in the middle of the day. I tried to explain the whole "strike while the iron is hot" thing, but it was getting me nowhere. I jumped in the shower and then collapsed on the couch. After sitting there for a bout ten minutes, I realized I should just go lay down. I laid down and listened to one of the stories on my tapes for the blind. I didn't even feel like falling asleep. I just needed to let my body relax.

Nat is in her room talking with someone on the phone about how much she feels like she did back when she was homeless because we are broke. The bills are paid. We just can't afford to eat out every night and buy a bunch of loose crap. Some of which we don't really need. So far, we are not missing any essentials. I have to pay a $1,000 bill for dance lessons before we can do much of anything. We are not homeless, and will not become homeless if I have anything to say about it.

No, off to look up some instructions for doing the same thing to my phone Nat did to hers. Well, remove unwanted files and free up some space anyway.

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