It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Russia is slipping off the side of the pool in to the deep end with that drunken self absorbed slow motion too low to be human cackle reminiscent of a bully clown. I picture the chubby older stupid held back a couple times kid in mid air, half way to a cannonball in to water too deep for someone that drunk.  Here is hoping they hit their head on a rock and drown.

How dare Russia act in it's own interest regardless of cost. I thought this was a global globe. I thought the whole world was out to get the U. S. in this fight for survival together, as one, with liberty and justice for everyone who qualifies as a registered minority.

One of the World View interviews last week was all about the Russian Mob. I've heard that the leadership of much of what is now Russian government came up through one or another Mob organizations. The U. S. pulls leaders from the military. Russia pulls them from the Mob. Some might ask what is the difference?

I've already gone too far in this post. I better stop now.

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