It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • An informant in Iraq was hired by three different U. S. agencies, and two foreign ones. It was found out after the fact that this person gave the same report to all of them and got paid five times. Nice use of interdepartmental communication there fellas.
  • The U. S. leads the world in childhood obesity. Experts are starting to say that it is because parents won't let their kids play outside because  they fear for their safety. I have to agree. If kids get nabbed while they are outside playing, parents are considered negligent these days. "How dare you let your kids out of your sight! I don't care if they were in their thirties."
  • X-Files movie sucks. The guy reviewing it called it the latest episode. I had a friend not just complain, he completely trashed the film. I have not seen it. I believe it. They call it a below average episode.
  • Nat is talking about going to collage. I like the idea. We can find the money for school courses.
  • Today at tea time, I killed like five conversation threads. I should be worried, but I'm more proud. I also learned the term awkward turtle.
  • The picture below is about all of the storm we got.
Edward hurricane

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