It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


YouTube Subscriptions

When I subscribe to someone's video repository, I get their new posts put up in my subscription area. I can even get an email sent to me if I wish that will alert me that there are new videos. Hey, that's great. There is no way that I can tell to remove them from the subscription list except to click on the new videos from the subscription list.

If I am logged in and watch them organically, they are not counted off. If I click on them from the email they are not counted off even if I'm logged in.  If I go to the person's profile page and watch the video it is not counted as watched. Now, all that is bad enough. However, the videos I have watched from the subscription page and had knocked off the queue have shown back up kind of randomly. I have to click on them and start the video and then kill it to get the video knocked off the list.

This appears to count as a view for the person which is not so bad I suppose. It is, however, not a real view and the advertisers may like to know that some of those numbers are just people trying to clean up their subscriptions.

As I Google my way around looking for information on YouTube statistics, I get nothing but people complaining and trying to complain inelegantly about the mystical YouTube back end database. There are questions as to how YouTube counts video views after a video hits certain milestones. Apparently, videos stop counting at some point and then leap forward in the numbers after some maintenance mechanism plays catch-up. It has something to do with load balancing and world wide distribution mechanisms.

Over all, it seems to work.

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