It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Stuff you read at 03:30 on vacation

I did the math a couple of years ago and came up with the following statement. The Earth travels through it's own diameter around the sun about every six and a half minutes. Well, according to Wikipedia (under section 'Orbit') It is closer to seven minutes. So, I wasn't that far off.

Funny what you look up at 03:30 on a Wednesday morning on vacation. I think I would do well in retirement.

The orbital speed of the Earth averages about 30 km/s (108,000 km/h), which is fast enough to cover the planet's diameter (about 12,600 km) in seven minutes, and the distance to the Moon (384,000 km) in four hours.[8]

The more I read these numbers, the more I realize the speed of light is damn slow. I feel like I'm stuck in a universe filled with molasses.

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