It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

I don't care that Google is coming out with their own OS. I don't care how much better it will fill a niche of netbooks. I don't care how much I hate Microsoft and hope Google brings some genuine competition to the OS world. I don't care.

A bunch of back-end stuff at the U. S. Post Office and other countries governmental organizations are converting to Linux. Several universities are converting over to Linux. The U. S. military caught a bunch of crap for a windows server meltdown that required a ship to be towed to harbor a couple years ago. The thing is, Linux is much cheaper than Windows. With the economy the way it is, People are willing to try something new if it does the same thing. It is not that Linux is better. It is cheaper. Will the trend continue past the impending recovery? Probably. Bean counters will be bean counters for ever.

The videos sucked today. There was one of a baby and a pug dog. It was stupid. There was another about Obama getting stiffed by a Russian diplomat who wouldn't shake his hand. Boring. Yet another was just some annoying announcer yapping about a car crash. Another video about a guy charged a faketillion bucks for a pack of cigarettes. That one was all over he news. One of the Baja 1000 crashes that was almost interesting, but only showed people almost getting hit next to a jump. There was another one titled "cruel prank" that I didn't even watch.

This is a different trophy truck flip and burn.

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