It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Feel free to skip this post. I only wrote it to get things out of my system. It has been a shit couple days.

Left work yesterday at around 14:00. Had a dentist appointment at 16:00. I took the bus from work to Dairy Ashford where I immediately missed one bus. The next bus blew right by me. I caught the third bus and nearly passed out running across the street to the office. My vision was hazy as I ran from the median to the far side of the street.

It was not a bad dentist visit. I got three fillings. It hurt. My jaw is left aching today. The dentist commented on my death grip on the arms of the chair. I think I stressed him out. He suggested I ask for the gas in the future.

On the way home on the bus I felt my heart beat in my teeth. I felt faint and a bit ill. I was light headed and got on the wrong bus. Nearly ended up over  by the new Dow building.

Nat picked me up at the mall so I didn't have to walk. I don't think I would have made it.

When I got home I crashed. I tried to. People were setting off fireworks right behind our house. There is nothing I can do about it. Not one goddamn thing.

I got up and tried to get my server up and running. It took me a while to get vnc working. Ubuntu has some issues with settings. Nothing new apparently. The last several versions of Ubuntu have had the same problems. It has been years. I guess they don't want vnc to work out of the box. Works now.  Then came getting smb working. Same thing. I was unable to get smb to support a login. I had to leave world read and write. If I had a domain server It would work. I give up. I can't get nfs working on Ubuntu. I just don't know where it is. Surely it is there somewhere.

My back was killing me. I'm not taking the cholesterol medicine any more. I tried to call my doctor and they wanted some number I don't have because they were samples. My back hurt so bad that I could not stand up after a couple hours of sleep. It locked up at one point when I tried to stand up from the computer and I ended up on my knees. I felt better this morning after not taking the medicine.

Natalie's mouse died. Elle was very upset. Nat is worried that she messed something up and killed the poor little thing. Those little mice just die. Our house is loaded with mold. Who knows?

Forgot my podcasts and USB drive at home this morning. My jaw still aches. My back still hurts. My evening sucked last night. Got no sleep. Tired. $650 on dentist for three lousy fillings (clean and x-rays) that we do not have. Left my hat on the bus yesterday. Kelly is not a happy camper.

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