It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • Clinton is talking about letting her 'people' nominate her at the convention. She will turn it down of course. .. of course. It is just a ruse to get her supporters to show up to the convention.
  • I never understood why, on Windows platforms, one for the  most strenuous tasks that would grind your box to a halt was copying files across the network .I wonder now why the same is true for Linux. The process is just not that difficult. I still do not understand why computers have such a hard time doing other tings along side that task.
  • No one I know wants McCain as president. Some people don't care if Obama wins. Some think he is a worse choice than McCain. A couple people mis Hillery.
  • My new contacts came in. They work well. I'm starting to think I just have dry eyes. I can feel the contacts sticking to my eye when I blink and I have to blink hard or in some way pop them loose in order for the Toric part of the lens to work. They have to sit a specific way.
  • Ran off to play DnD. Had fun. Late postings.
  • Nat is in a good mood for the first time in a long time .I think it is because she has a plan. She is looking at collage courses. I love that idea. If she takes some I may be able to as well. That would be grand.
  • Oh, before DnD we went to a sports bar place for a beer. I didn't have any beer because they make me sick these days. We did get to see some of the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. Not too shabby.

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