It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • One of the guys from work missed a flight Tuesday because of the hurricane. He missed another flight last night because only three people showed up and the airline just didn't want to bother fulfilling the contract known as a ticket.
  • Boys are slightly better at science. The potential for setting something on fire relates directly to how much attention young men/boys pay attention. Go figure. This holds true for all of Western Civilization.
  • A third of Democrats report they are sick of hearing about Obama. I believe it. Two thirds of Republicans say it.  Can't blame them either.
  • Twenty six teenage (ages 14 to 18) girls attending a cheerleader training course at UT got stuck in an elevator. All scared and claustrophobic. ... I've had this dream I think, back when I was 14 to 18.
  • How does getting elbowed in the boob by a preacher's wife cause hemorrhoids? I nearly choked on my coffee when I heard that on NPR podcast this morning.
  • Britney is running for president. Go Britney. McCain says Britney has a better energy policy than Obama.
  • We had a birthday card go around work today. This is normal for most offices, but not really for ours. We ruthlessly chastised the person in their absence. We even joked that they were the one who started it going round. He is a cool guy. He might even have chuckled at some of the jokes.
  • The U. S. Post Office is a private company. I keep forgetting that.

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