It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • There is a frigging hurricane in the gulf. That is all we need.
  • Some guy reviewing a book on one of the podcasts I listen to at work had a hair-lip. It dwove me up the wallw. The guy sounded intelligent, but the speech impediment was too detracting for me to take him seriously. I'm ashamed of myself.
  • My old job is closed for tomorrow regardless of conditions. My current job will call every one and tell them whether or not to show up. If there were an earthquake, and the crack was next to the building, we would have to come in. We might have to build a rope bridge, but we would come in.
  • I walked home in the heat and ate some greasy left over pizza. I feel sick. I'm going to hit the hey early tonight I think.

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