It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Sick to death

Joe Miller. Ken Buck, John Racy. Demo Rossie. (forgive my misspellings)

Why do I know these names? They are Sennett prospects on the Conservative side. I listen to Mark Levin. He is going to have these folks on at some point Monday. By the time I get this up, it will already have happened. I'm listening more than one day behind.

I am beyond sick of hearing about this election.

"It's going to be a sweep for Conservatives." "... day of reckoning ..." I disagree. people are set in their ways. People are going to vote party tickets. I wish I could wave my hand and abolish party tickets.

That is not a quote from Levin's show. It is one I hear from liberals. It is like they are trying to set up the public for a softened blow. It doesn't matter if only one Democrat wins a job as dog catcher in Podunk U. S. A, it will be a win from their point of view. This is not a bad tactic. It is not a winning strategy.

At least Levin is all about telling people to get out and vote even if you don't think it matters.

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