It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



I like the fact that a Republican won in Mass.. I really think voters just wanted to tell the old boy network who was really in charge. The citizens of this country run this country. The president and congress and judges and the cops and the lawyers and all of them work for the citizenry. Citizens are not here for your amusement and to pay you taxes.

People were angry at the Bush family for controlling the presidency for so long. The same might be said about the Clintons. The Kennedys are a lesson in nepotism. There was someone running as a Libertarian named Kennedy I  believe. That made me laugh. That poor bastard has the wrong name for the party and the times. Good luck anyway.

It is not the Republicans who won in Massachusetts. It was that idea of the people being in charge. I hope the Republicans and Democrats learn this lesson. They work for you and me. Not just the people paying the campaign bills, not just the lobbyists, not just the largest return on a piece of land.

This is no revolution. This is a blip. I love the finger pointing and blaming that has ceased the Democratic party. I like that some Republicans are calling the vote exactly what I've called it here. Even Obama has come to terms with the lack of a mandate for his agenda.

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