It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • I watched a bunch of videos about vehicles slipping and sliding around this winter and others in the ice and snow. It is amazing how much difference all wheel drives makes on icy roads. If we ever live in a place that has this kind of weather, we will be forced to invest in an all wheel drive vehicle.
  • Some press interviewed a couple illegal aliens who were being deported. It was on an airplane. The security guards were doubling as flight attendants. It costs $680 per passenger to return them to Mexico or El Salvidor. I do not know where else they end up. Many people on the plane said words to the effect "I'll be right back. I have kids here. I have to come back as soon as possible."
  • One in seven (which includes us) American home owners are upside down in their mortgage. That is, we owe more on the house than it is worth.
  • New carpet in the elevators at work. Blog worthy event.
  • Brits still got it. A guy dying of 14 cancerous tumors, after years of loosing an eye and having many bits removed from his body now knows he is going to die from 'this' tumor was being interviewed. The interviewer said "You have been an inspiration for your charitable works and to know you are going to die at age 23. ..." The answer given by the guy was "Not ideal really." ... Now, that is British.
    • Heptilion: The approximate number of stars in the universe is a 1 followed by 22 zeros.
      • 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    • It is funny listening to all the podcasts and how many of the commentators have colds. I don't feel so bad. I have a cold. I'm popping expectorants like candy and washing them down with liters of water.
    • RIAA announced they are going to get out of the business of suing their own customers. RIAA's customers are really the music industry giants, but I'm talking about the music industry customers vis a vis you and me. The music companies are looking to cut the budget across the board and the RIAA is pricey. this does mean your ISP must keep an eye on you and whether or not you are violating copyright rules.

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