It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • YouTube has gone high-def. Nat and I need (OK, we don't need one I'm just typing.) an appropriate High-Def video camera. I've only seen two that really make any sense. No tape. I give up on tapes. Must be 720p or higher. Must have optical zoom of some kind. Must have a pretty wide angle of view. Must use either drive or flash cards of some kind. Must store in a format that I can at least manipulate in Linux. Must not have proprietary drivers or software.
    • Flip makes one. Flip MINO HD. Records an hour of video at 720p. Requires specific software though. And has no optical zoom, only digital zoom. $200. Drat. I just can't imagine the optics are above 'sucks' rating either. Ah, well. I suppose I want too much.
  • It got more and more misty all day. It looked like fog at 15:00. It was a thin misty rain.
  • I'm sick with a nose cold. I've been taking an expectorant with a decongestant. One to knock it loose and the other to kick it out.
    • Antihistamine - Make mucus thicker. Good for bed time.
    • Decongestant - Make mucus thinner.
    • Expectorant - Make mucus leave the body.
  • Virgin Mobile in Europe will offer a 50 megabit line. Many cable connections are 1 megabit. You can download a Blueray video faster than you will watch it. I will wait for the rubber to meet the road to be honest.
    • It's the same cable with different bits on both ends.
    • British Telecom (among others) are pushing fiber, but that is long term and a colossal investment.
    • They are after the video on demand market. Good luck.
  • Nat had to rent a new Carola because ours is in the shop for an alignment. It is a 2008. The dash looks a bit better and the ride is a bit smoother. Oh, and the headlights look different, but the same somehow. The nose looks different, but I haven't put my finger on it. Not many differences.

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