It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Why do so many scientists go along with Global Warming? All the numbers end up leading to shrugged shoulders and worried looks on both sides of the argument. Wait a minute, there is only one side of the argument.

Can you prove that God exists? Can you prove that God does not exist? Would it matter to people who believe either way what you think you can prove? If you disagree with people who believe they simply stop believing in you.

God is simply too popular to debunk. It is difficult to believe in something that you can see or touch for long because it will eventually fail you. Nothing that I'm aware of on earth or in human existence is perfect. So, we must make things up to put our whole hearted belief in. People die and lie and skip town with the box office. Idles crumble or are covered up by weeds.

What we believe in must be something that cannot exist as we know it. It must be outside of our area of focus. We must make that leap of faith, or the thing we believe in will eventually fail us. It is the leap we should believe in, not the thing to which we leap.

Quantum tels us that in order for reality to collapse in to .. well, reality, we must observe it. That is, we have to be looking at the little bit of reality before it bothers popping in to existence for us to observe. Before we observe it (
it" is such an awesome word) all possible outcomes or states of a single piece of reality exist at the same time. The answer is both yes and no and no answer at all. Then we look at the answer and 'pop' there is an answer.

Knowing or understanding quantum theory (or mechanics or whatever I'm talking about here) doesn't help you when you are hungry or dying or stub your toe on the way to the bathroom at night. Believing in God does. That makes the difference.

If so many people buy an idea like God or Global Warming, will the belief or leap on mass help it pop in to reality? Is the answer already there? Are all the answers just sitting there waiting to be properly observed? How many people deny the existence of God only to happily buy in to Global Warming?

I ask "What has caught on fire due to Global Warming?"

Someone might answer "Well, Global warming increases the odds that a forested area will be just that bit dryer and more likely to catch should there be a spark."

Can't God work the same way? Global warming has numbers that get bounced about. Once you look in to any one of the numbers they don't prove anything. There is a trend. There is general sway over a wide area that increases the odds of temperature rise. This rise will reap havoc on the environment. God is just a character in a bunch of books.

Can't Global Warming work the same way? There are stories from people who lived thousands of years ago that speak to life to this very day. Pick a religion. It has a book that is a collection of rules and stories about how to act and what to believe. the stories help people get through life an know how to get along with other people.

When someone believes in God, they believe in a positive. God is almost always a good entity to be trusted and loved. Global Warming is a negative evil to be vanquished.

I believe whole heartedly in God. Come what may. I do not believe in Religion. I do not trust people who keep trying to sell me a religion called Apple Computers, democracy, communism, capitalism, Global Warming, Social Security or Homland Security. Some of these work. I might buy a Macintosh if I get rich. I use democracy and capitalism every day. I think Homland Security is doing a pretty good job of protecting American freedoms at the moment. I went to school on SSI.

What gets me about Global Warming is how many people accept it after hearing some convenient numbers and will defend to the death the idea that the whole world needs to bend over  backward to accommodate. No one with an opposing point of view is aloud to speak or present an apposing argument without irrational actions taking over. I wonder if Global Warming is the first of many Technology based religions. Maybe it is just the biggest so far. People are very connected to their Blackburies and Apples.

If Global Warming suddenly becomes a true reality, that is, it becomes obvious and attackable, I bet people will abandon the religion and deny its existence right in the face of the onslaught. It would probably be the same people who bought the story hook line and sinker from the start at the front of the denial mob.

1 comment:

Tarun Kumar said...

i really impress with you blog and plz keep writing for this blog.