It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Garage Door (updated)

The garage door went all crooked and hung up. I tried to hang the door back on the rails. I tried to balance things and align things and respool the tension cables. My father said he knew a guy who required 400 stitches to reattach his scalp after messing with a garage door spring.

So, I called some guys. $200 and no new parts later, the door works better than it did the day we moved in.

I ended up just taking the day off. I have some vacation days and the stress of realizing my ineptitude of garage door repair required a day to recover.

Now, I just need to put a whole bunch of crap in the attic. I figure some good should come of this little adventure.

Remember what I was doing on the coldest day last year? I do. I was pulling the back door off the hinges in an attempt to prevent cold air from coming in. That ended up with my father coming over and a couple hundred bucks worth of repairs that may yet end up in a contractor visit. Did I mention the useless effort I put in to the garage door was while it was SNOWING!!!!? No, I didn't. Well you get the idea.

The whole issue was the tensioners coming out of the track. What caused that must have been the lack of proper lubrication, aggravated by the cold wet weather.

All in all, this has been much less fun than being at work.


I forgot to mention that the guys who showed up were here for only like 45 minutes. They took about five minutes to figure out what to do. They took aobut fifteen minutest to do it and the rest of the time was to make me feel a bit better about spending $200. I do not have a problem with paying them. They know what they do. That is worth it.

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