It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


TV and Cinelerra

I'm trying to think of the last time I sat down to watch TV. It was only while eating. Oh, and LOST. That's it. Nat watches movies. I watch some movies. Neither of us really just kick back and watch TV any more.

What am I doing tonight? I'm trying to get cinelerra to work on my machine, just for fun. I'm learning something. I'm practicing my trade. I'll never get it to work. It is impossible. Yet, I try. I'm sick. This is what I did most of today at work. I come home and do it some more.

I'll never get it to build. It is one of those projects that will just never work. Hop over to Fresh RPMs. ... I eventually got the source rpm to install. It comes up with an error that makes no sense. Hey, it is an improvement over nothing.

That's it. I'm worn out. I'll try running it tomorrow or something. The rest of tonight is for blogging and goofing off. The Ark of Truth came in. I'll watch that.

One of these days I'm going to blog about how nerve wracking it is to build software. It takes ages. There are a million lines of very technical gobldy-gook scrolling up the screen. the machine is hammered. This might go on for an hour or more while the box tries to put together the organized ramblings of a deranged, I mean programmer's mind in to a program. The program is just a long list of crap for the computer to do. The list must be in the correct order and not riddled with logic errors. Well, it can be riddled with logic errors and still work some times. Any way, more often than not, something goes wrong and you get half an hour of scary crap going by then , you get an error. Once you get an error, you must decipher the garbldy gook in the make fies, scripts, data files, sometimes the c files, some times the libraries ... It is just plane stressful.

It is the only way to get some things to work.

Speaking of work, one of the guys I work with got a chance to mess with RPMs. It was interesting to watch someone else go though the tangled magic that is RPM. I've been busy on complex grunt work. That is a good name for it I think.

Apologies for the rambling.

1 comment:

Celtic Gypsy said...

Please note that no where in this blog did it say ANYTHING about spending time with Nat or Elle. That was not even a thought.