It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



I'm trying to think what I learned. I learned that getting a  source RPM to build something is easy, but getting it to put information in the correct place to build new binary RPMs is a pain in the ass. I really thought I had a problem fixed like four times in a row. The source RPM still doesn't do what it is supposed to do. It is a matter of copying the one binary file to the correct place after it is built.

Work is nuts. That is about normal. The elections are still annoying. The middle east is still a drag. Islamic Supremacists are still trying to take over the world. TV still sucks, mostly. My blog is still rambling. Give me a while and I'll get back to interesting posts. Promise.

Nat had Elle all week. Elle had spring break. Nat asked me yesterday If I could call my parents to find out if they want to watch Elle. I do not like calling to ask for stuff constantly. She asked again today so I did it. Elle is over at my parent's place. I'm sure she is having fun. I got off work at 6:30. Nat picked me up at 7:40. I sat out front of my office for that time in with my ass hanging out. If I had taken the bus, I would have made it home before 8:08. When I got home, I went straight to bed. Nat said she was going to get something to eat with the $40 my parents gave her. That's another thing I would like to stop. I went to bed and woke up at 4:00 in the morning from the alarm beep. Nat was just coming in. She had gone to hang out with an ex-boyfriend, Chuck.

What is a boy to do? Am I aloud to get upset? Am I a raciest? (everything is raciest these days)

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