It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


NHS vs What We Have Now

National Health Service. That is what Briton calls their health care system. There are private systems that compete with the NHS. The NHS is taxpayer supported. It is cheep for people to use when they are sick. It sounds like a great idea. It is not too bad an idea, but All people ever do on the BBC is bitch about the NHS.

I've tried to tell people that the U. S. should have something akin to the NHS or Canada's system. Someone has to get it right, somewhere. Right? Well, maybe not. Health care is fundamentally failed. People are going to die eventually. NHS and other health care systems simply delay the inevitable.

When someone is about to die or about to go blind or about to loose mobility or have some major life change due to an illness, their priorities alter. The NHS policy is go blind in one eye and we will treat the other. Literally. It has to boil down to that because of resources. People already pay exorbitant taxes in the U. K.. Society simply can't support every one who needs health care to get everything they need all the time. Healthy people have lives too.

An example would be someone standing in line at Starbuck's, stops and puts the money into an envelope and donates it to some form  of health care. If every one who goes to Starbuck's does that, then all the people who work for Starbuck's and their supplies will take the hit. Those employees will now be out of work and still need the health care the company no longer provides.  They will need the donated money themselves.

Hillery Clinton has an idea, along with many experts. Most people in the U. S. have a job. Most employed people have access to some kind of health care plan. Not all. Hillery wants to force people who are employed to either get health care that their employer offers, find it themselves or pay a fine straight to the government to make up the difference. The only way a national health care system will work is if every one participates. The word socialist means every one for every one else basically.

Health Care is why I took the job I have now. Nat and Elle are on the policy with me. Elle also is covered through the Military based on her Father's enrollment. If Nat gets a job, hopefully she will still be on my insurance.

My God! what a mess. I just want a heart scan when I have chest pain. I just want right pill to cure my cold. I just want the best care available to mankind when someone half my age tells me I'm going to die of cancer regardless of what I do. Is that too much to ask?

So, is the NHS or other social system any better than what we have now? I say it will all be a wash in the end. Some will get better. Some will get sicker. All will die. The only difference is the bottom line.

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