It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Today was busy and long

I"m sure I learned something today. Let me think. There must be something. It probably isn't interesting to any one but me.

Well, I spent the day building software and making machines work so that other folks could get their work done. We hit some hiccups, but things are coming together. I learned all about making software build on multiple system at the same time. I learned about  GCC versions and libraries.  I learned that two identical machines may have different requirements for the same software depending on who set up the box in the first place. I learned that a day can be busy as a bucket full of ants, and still be long as a giraffe's collar.

People came to me for stuff who had never done so in the past today. Several in fact. Not sure how to feel about that. I suppose on one hand it is a good thing to be needed. It is quite another to be slammed. I think things worked out today.

It was so nice to leave this afternoon. I had a talk with a friend about how harrible his weekend was. it brightened my day. I think it made him feel just a bit better to vent. Not sure.

I'm off to do something entertaining.

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