It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Bowing to Islam: one man's opinion

Here is the movie he speaks of. The guy who did it is called ultra right. That sounds like an attempt to vilify someone speaking their mind to me.

Europeans are not stupid. They are not ignorant. They are oppressed by a regime they voted in to power; a politically correct regime. The Europeans have a history of voting in people who oppress the people they represent. All in the name of something good and proper. The term Islamification of Europe has been kicked around in the past few yers. France has been called an Arabic nation more than once. Parts of these statments are true. Where are the rest of the Europeans? Where are the people who do not burn cars and torch buildings in the name of a religion? Are they really going to serenader their entire culture and way of life without so much as a whimper of discontent?

I don't know what to add.

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