It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Many people in Mexico love Bill Clinton. I wish he would run Mexico for 8 years. I bet they wouldn't like him as much then. He has charisma. He is a blah leader.

Huckabee is looking like a front runner. He is running his campaign on the cheap too. He is the son of a fire fighter. He was a preacher and the governor of Arkansas. He has a chance. I don't like the idea of both the presidential candidates this fall making me think of preachers and reminding me of Carter.

There are a bunch of shows (podcasts) trying to predict what kind of news stuff is going to happen this year. The only one that I think will come to pass is that stainless steel appliances will go out of stile.

Did I mention that I'm sick of politics? Yet, here I am blogging about it all again. How messed up is this? Maybe there will be some good videos to post this evening.

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