It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Texas Holdem
I walked in and there were tons of food and pizza. I had a drink. I think it was a sort of martini. Adam has this concoction he likes to make.
The first game was up stairs at a huge table. There were thirteen players. We squeezed in . We were playing Texas Holdem. The buy-in was $50 and the bets were 1-1-2-2. If you know the game you understand what the means. It took me half the night to sink into a rhythm. It came eventually. It turns out I have a bad poker face. I have tells. I have poor sense of other's intentions. Every time I tried to call some one's bluff, it turned out they were not bluffing.
After some more people showed up, we split in to two groups. The upstairs group, and the downstairs group. I stayed upstairs.  It worked out pretty well. No one I really knew was up there. We were the no nonsense group.  The folks down stairs (meaning Adam) were loud and obnoxious. The upstairs group, however, came to play.
I think every one had fun though. That is what matters. That is what people say who won anyway. I came out about $75 ahead as far as I can tell this morning. I was up over a hundred for a short time . We cashed out when we split the game, and re-bought in.
During the second game, the one not dominated by Adam, some interesting social things happened involving me.  One of the hands came round and we were turning over our cards. I thought I only had a pair and was prepared to throw in my cards. Then someone noticed that I had filled in the straight. I muttered "ah-man" under my breath because I was embarrassed from missing it. From that point on it became a joke when people won to act disappointed and apologize. In the same hand, I tried to cover my embarrassment by saying something stupid like ""I only won by that much." holding my fingers up showing about a cm between them. That became a joke too. Some one had ace high and some one else had a boat and would say "I only won by that much, sorry. I guess I have to rack in my chips." I was the butt of a running joke with a bunch of people I didn't really know. It was awesome.


CyndyMW said...

That is an awesome feeling, when it's done in a nice way. I can't count the number of jokes that I'm the butt of at work. Just ask The Bills or Jonathan. Or James, or Kevin, or Charlie... the only one who doesn't make fun is Rula. :)

obiwanchunn said...

Did someone say something after I left about me dominating the downstairs game? I always worry about doing that. I really shouldn't go to poker games, but people keep insisting I attend.