It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Buy Button in the Brain
Is there a buy button in the human brain? This article is nuts. Advertisers are looking for a way to trick people in to buying products they don't need. The ultimate goal in marketing is to sell anything to any one at any time regardless of need or purpose. I heard a used car salesman say "I have to sell the cars on the lot. It doesn't matter if some one needs that car, I have to sell it to them." That is his job. If his mother came in and bought a hundred cars, no one would care.
The human brain was designed to feed, flee, fight, and have sex. The four "f" theory. The whole concept of buying and selling came a millenia after the specs were frozen for the human brain. I hope they are barking up the wrong tree. The most effective sales technique is to associate your product with one of the "f"s listed above. Selling food is pretty obvious, though they still try to use sex to place their specific product out front. Fighting and fleeing are used in political advertisements all the time. I hope this one does not pan out.

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