It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Notebook Computers
My day job bought notebook computers last time around. Every three or four years the whole place gets new machines. Hey, that's great. The trouble is, no one is willing to take their computer anywhere. They issued cheesy locks and mandates about how not to get your computer stolen. They tell people to put them in the trunk of rent cars, They tell people to take the notebook with them when they leave the hotel.
Recently there was a meeting announced in a neighboring city. There is a long list of directs going. I don't think a single one of them is taking their notebook. They will not check email. They will get little if any work done. They will take notes on real paper notebooks. I don't get it. Some "mobile workforce."

I'm kind of glad I didn't go to the festival this weekend. I hear there was a murder at the cam grounds (genetic sample required). Reading the article it sounds like a crew of hillbillies were drunk in the parking lot and rose a fuss. Maybe they should stop selling alcohol. That would cut their attendance in half.

When I was on my walk in to work this morning I heard the above story on the radio. I wanted to comment on it on my blot. I didn't even consider trying the local news entities. I went straight to and did a search. The site (KHOU) requires registration. For the love of god, don't put any real information in the site. The less accurate information they get the better.

Someone emailed me and asked the following questions.
Q: I have a question. If you are legally blind, then how do you read and comment on blogs. And if you don't have a license then how do you get around? I'm fifteen and I have a hard time getting around because I'm not old enough for a license yet. I'm always bumming rides off the seniors on my soccer team.
A: My vision is roughly 20/400. That means me standing 20 feet away from a sign, I see it as well as you do at 400 feet. Completely blind people have special software that allows them to read the screen by braille, or audibly. I get about two inches from the screen, or have the computer reed long stretches of text to me.
Here is an old blog entry that kind of explains things.
I have a hard time getting around. I take the bus when I can. I rely on friends. I take advantage of my family. Getting around is a constant drain. It is the reason I didn't go to the Texas Renaissance Festival this year.

I'm tired of allergies. I have this condition where my ears freak out every time it rains or the weather gets cold, or warm, or dry, or well, anything. They get itchy and all clogged up full of junk. I have to blow them out with a little water gun deal that comes in the ear-wax removal kit nearly every week. If I miss a chance to do it, my ears let me know. Right now, my ears itch. That is not so bad. The really horrible thing is the chunk of ear wax that is rolling around my left ear. I hate that. It make a little grinding noise every time I take a step. It will not come out on it's own. It will not sit still. My little water gun thing broke. I can't get another one until this evening.
I stopped, but no dice. Kroger must have hidden them or stopped carrying them. One person sent me to isle 13. Another sent me to 15. Some one said they were next to tooth brushes. Another said they were near band aids.

Mandatory Lunch
There is a lunch for the department at my day job today. I have a program I need to get up and running. I'm going to run out to a quick lunch with Josh. I'm told this is political suicide. Great. The whole department is going to be there. The Europeans came in for a week of meetings. The directs are complaining that they are not given a week to attend the meetings. They have to attend them and get a weeks worth of work done. Welcome to corporate America. Here is twice as much work, a million meetings (where you get more work to do), and you can't work any overtime. You can't even work any free time. That is a no no too.YUP

I'm watching a Star Trek The Next Generation where Captain Picard gets a second chance to change his history. he decides to keep things the way they are. The question keep popping in my head. What regrets do I have? If I dropped dead right now, what would my last lament be? I think I would regret the effort of this life. I think I should worry about moving on after this life. When I go, I want to stare death in the "face" and say "Now what old man?"

1 comment:

Axinar said...

Well, now you do realize that today is the first day of the rest of your life, don't you?